Mr. Hassan Al-Haj Ibrahim
Al-Baath University
Abstract Title:
I was born in 1946. After passing the GCE ‘A’ level exams in 1966, I became a student at the University of Leeds in England. In 1970 I graduated in Fuel Engineering (with Honours), and was appointed British Coke Research Association Fellow. In 1973 I was awarded my Ph.D. from the University of Leeds. After graduation I worked for a short period with the Rocket Propulsion Establishment, in the UK, and later as a process engineer at the Homs Oil Refinery, in Syria. Sometimes later, I joined Al-Baath University in Syria and became a (full) professor in 1995. Between 2000 and 2003 I worked at the Syrian Atomic Energy Establishment as a senior researcher, and in 2003 I was appointed Director of Quality Assurance at Al-Baath University. In 1980 I was invited by DAAD to spend an academic year at the Technical University of Aachen, and in 1990 I was awarded the Fulbright scholarship and spent an academic year at the University of Pittsburgh, USA. My publications include research papers and book chapters (on different aspects of chemical engineering, bio-energy, quality assurance in education, language and translation studies), university textbooks (on Petroleum refining and metallurgy), general books (on Sources of energy, German grammar, Buddhism), a dictionary of petroleum terms, and several translations from English and German into Arabic.
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